In Hui Won

In Hui Won, President, World Taekwondo Han Moo Kwan Federation

Great Grandmaster In Hui Won is World Taekwondo Han Moo Kwan Federation (WTHMKF) President, accepting this position in 2017 upon the passing of President and founder, Kyo Yoon Lee. 

Prior to this time, Mr. Won served as US Han Moo Kwan Association president.  He also served as WTHMKF Overseas Secretary General for over 25 years to promote the organization internationally.  This international outreach and support  continues with Mr. Won’s leadership.

In Hui Won and Kyo Yoon Lee, World Hanmookwan High Rank Promotion Test (2011)

In Hui Won has dedicated his life to Taekwondo.  He began his training as a child in South Korea including many competitions.

In Hui Won, standing in center of back row. Note the floor boards with large gaps.

As a young man, Mr. Won served as an instructor while in the Korean armed forces, a place of distinguished honor in a country that is the birth of Taekwondo.  He also trained US armed forces in Korea.  In 1974, he received certification as a master from the Korean Taekwondo Association.

He has been a Korean Taekwondo Association (KTA) referee since 1974, obtaining his World Taekwondo Federation (WTF) international referee certification in 1975.  He is now one of the highest ranked referees in the world, and has refereed and managed in many national and international competitions.  Mr. Won formerly served on the Kukkiwon International Advisory Committee and the Kukkiwon Examination Committee.

KTA Taekwondo Master Instructor Seminar, Seoul South Korea, 1974. In Hui Won is seated on floor, 2nd from right.
Commemorative banner from Korean Taekwondo Association Master Instructor Seminar, Seoul South Korea, 1974.

Mr. Won’s life journey brought him to Oklahoma in 1980, bringing with him a wealth of skills and experience.  He soon opened his own school in Del City, Oklahoma.  He now has one of the premiere dojangs, Grandmaster Won’s Taekwondo, located on 10 acres in south Oklahoma City.  It includes a 10,000 square foot indoor facility and a large outdoor covered training area to host classes, seminars, promotional tests, and tournaments.  He has promoted over 1,000 practitioners to black belt, including Masters and Grandmasters. He also directs the annual Oklahoma State Taekwondo Association national qualifier that has operated under multiple sanctioning bodies (USTU, USAT, AAU). 


In 1986, Mr. Won directed his first large scale tournament, the Annual Oklahoma Invitational Taekwondo Championship,  held early each year.  In 1992, he started another annual tournament held in the summer, now called the US Central Open Taekwondo Championship.  Each year, he also hosts a smaller tournament at the main gym to introduce novice competitors to the sport and enhance school relationships.  He also directs the annual Oklahoma State Taekwondo Association national qualifier. 

Demonstration by Master Won performing multiple breaks while blindfolded. In this photo, he performs the second breaking technique, executing a jump roundhouse kick to break a concrete block while blind folded. Note, this was while being the tournament director, operating on a half hour of sleep, and experiencing muscle cramps; plus the target holder moved the target forward right before the break.  This was Master Won’s first tournament, the 1st Annual Oklahoma Invitational Taekwondo Championship. (Feb 1986)

Through well over 100 tournaments, Mr. Won has brought the modern aspect of competitive Taekwondo to Oklahoma and the surrounding states.  Although the competition is centered on Taekwondo, Mr. Won has allowed other martial arts styles to compete, thus exposing other styles to the benefits of Taekwondo and the rules of international competition.

Master Won executes flying side kick (1987)

His tournament leadership has greatly benefited the overall culture of Taekwondo by providing a standardized, competitive, fair and friendly atmosphere for all to achieve toward their potential.  As a leader, he is constantly refining his tournaments to be a better experience for competitors and spectators.  He has also developed generations of referees and tournament officials, resulting in many years of combined experience that benefits the Taekwondo community at large.


As a leader in Oklahoma’s Taekwondo community, in 1990, Mr. Won became president of the Oklahoma State Taekwondo Association, the state level governing body for the US Olympic Committee.  At one time, he grew the membership and strength of the Oklahoma coalition to be the 5th largest in the United States, competing on a scale with much more populous states such as Texas, New York, California, and Florida.  The defunct United States Taekwondo Union (USTU) was eventually replaced with USA Taekwondo (USAT).  Seeking dependable leadership, the USAT urged Mr. Won to continue leading in the state of Oklahoma. In 2022, Mr. Won started hosting the American Athletic Union (AAU) National Qualifier.  With his well-founded reputation as a tournament organizer, schools from the surrounding states also attend these tournaments.

Mr. Won has been closely involved at Taekwondo’s national level, and served 12 years as the US Olympic Committee National Team Head Judge for team trials. He has served as referee and Head Judge for multiple international competitions to include the World Taekwondo Championship and Pan-Am Taekwondo Championship.

International Referees for Pan Am Games. Mr. Won is standing, far right.

Mr. Won continues to stay involved, building relationships to further shape, grow, and strengthen the world-wide Taekwondo community.

Great Grandmaster Kim, Chang Moo Kwan founder, visit to Oklahoma (2007)
Presentation to Great Grandmaster Won during the 40th Annual Oklahoma Invitational Taekwondo Hanmookwan Cup Championship

Significant Accomplishments and Certifications

The following are some of the highlights of Great Grandmaster Won’s professional life. 

1973, opened his first Taekwondo school in South Korea

1974, certified Korea Taekwondo Association Master Instructor

1974, certified Korea Taekwondo Association Referee

1975, certified World Taekwondo Federation International Referee

1986, held and directed the 1st Annual Oklahoma Invitational Taekwondo Championship

1994, built and opened 10,000 sf dojang, now home and headquarters for WTHMKF, USCTA, and OSAT

1995, founded the US Central Taekwondo Association.  This organization provides support and direction to its many affiliated Taekwondo schools.

1998, certified as World Taekwondo Federation First Class International Olympic Referee.  He was one of the first to receive this certification.

2007, certified as 9th Dan, the Kukkiwon’s highest degree black belt.  Kukkiwon is the World Taekwondo Headquarters located in Seoul, Korea.

2008, certified Hanmadong International Referee

2010, appointed to Kukkiwon Overseas Examination Committee

2011, first to be certified as 10th Dan by Kyo Yoon Lee, founder of World Han Moo Kwan Federation.  At this time, Mr. Won served as the World Han Moo Kwan Federation Secretary General.

2011, certified International Hapkido Federation 8th degree black belt

2014, founded the US Central Hapkido Association, which is affiliated with the International Hapkido Federation (IHF).  He also serves as IHF Vice President.

2020, opened covered outdoor training area to promote wellness while social distancing. 

2024, recognized by the Senate body for his lifetime achievements and contributions to the great State of Oklahoma.

2025, celebrated 40th anniversary of the Annual Oklahoma Invitational Taekwondo Hanmookwan Cup Championship

Great Grandmaster Won has received many awards of recognition and served in many other positions not specifically mentioned here, for the list is very long.  Mr. Won is not one to rest on his accomplishments.  As a man of both vision and action, he is constantly working to improve the martial arts experience in a family-oriented atmosphere that allows practitioners to constantly grow and gain skills that may long serve them in life outside the dojang.